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Creating the
mind body connection
for a better tomorrow

What's up folks? I'm Jason Altidor

ACE速 Certified Personal Trainer, Master Athlete, Head Trainer at F45 Fairview and Motivator

I coach kids, adults and seniors to be in their best shape.

1-on-1 Training

Starting with a fitness assessment to better understand your goals, no matter your age or fitness level.

Custom Programs

Post injury, competitive training and nutrition guidance that best caters to your needs.

Online/Group classes

Can't meet in person?
Zoom classes are available.

No temporary fixes
Only life-time achievements

Ask yourself, are you ...

Willing to commit and keep yourself accountable?
Mentally prepared for the journey ahead?
Ready to be in the best shape of your life?

Let's get started, I got you!

For any other inquiries, email me at

Everything starts from THECORE

What are some of the benefits from this program?

Adjusts to all fitness levels
Strengthen your body & builds muscle
Improves posture and stability
Helps reduce the risk of injury
Makes your everyday tasks easier

What's included?

Program in PDF format
Video demostrations
Nutrition Guide
I'm interested!
Jason Altidor - Fitness Trainer - Motivator

Who is this guy?

Glad you asked!

Born in Montreal, Quebec, parents are of Barbadian and Haitian decent. I believe God has great things in store for us all.

What's "TheCore" in your name about?

I believe the core is the foundation of all our movements. It's where all our important organs lie, so it goes beyond the "six pack" most people associate it with. Never underestimate yourself nor allow distractions and negativity reroute you from your goals. The ultimate prize in the end, is YOU.

If you love fitness, health, positivity, soca music and the car chronicles, chronicles, chronicles (echoes as always), you've come to the right place!

And when you're not training?

My interests and area of expertise include computer graphics, videography, animation and web development. I also write poetry and deliver PUNS whenever it's necessary, no tip required :).

Until the next time, Many blessings and peace!

years of experience
Lives Changed
Day at a Time